A Gentle Soul Remembering SSR


“Blogging” what is blogging? Basically it is meant to share your ideas and express your thoughts. When I started to write blogs, I was suffering with depression that too major ones so I thought of using write therapy as suggested by one of my friend. But I didn’t realised when I became the monster who started writing about people or I should say demeaning them. And the worst part was also shared it on social sites for the world to see. But I didn’t realise that this writing that is meant to bring out the best in you is bringing out the worst in me.

There were many people who got hurt but still I had this “I don’t care attitude” which refrained me from being apologetic. Anywhich ways I had been a pessimistic person since very early age and this has instilled all the more negativity in me. Well I have now realised that your blogs should be positive in nature, it should influence people motivate them to do well in life, moreover educate them in some way and also to understand oneself.

Well, the bottom line is we all are made up of mistakes and the best part is we realise it sooner or later. There shouldn’t be any room for guilt and embarrassment later. I was like this monster who was telling people how bad the world is and how great I am. But I was wrong. I am not a good writer, still learning. I would request to all just spread positivity here. We should only spread love, there is already so much hatred going on. I have learnt my lesson hard way and after loosing some beautiful people in my life, yes ofcourse big “APOLOGY” to them. But that’s okay a good human being is the one who addresses the mistakes, rectifies it and never commit the same. Yes you are allowed to do new ones though 😂

So folks, let’s spread positivity and love as much as we can.

Love and only love
