Monster in Brain

It’s been long time since I have written anything and this also I am doing on the regular insistence of one of my fan, well just kidding he is a dear friend. And usually on request people generally come up with something peppy and positive but the kind of state I am in I do not think I would be able to come up to motivate someone. In fact writing something is also taking lot of efforts still I will try. And for few of you who would be reading for a change I wouldn’t be naming anyone so you all can relax 😅

Well, so I have written a lot about mental health and there is nothing new I will write but I will try to give you peep into someone’s mind especially the one who is battling depression. Well, to start with in today’s world of social media people talk a lot about mental health, it’s like it gives you brownie points to be sensible, mateured and intellectual, however ironically it’s not the case. Because you might seem to be someone who know a lot about mental health and encourage depressive people to seek medication which in reality is not the case.

Well I am not against psychiatric treatment and medication, in fact I do believe in it. But it is so funny the people close to you will make you believe that you are suffering from some mental health issue and should seek treatment but the same people lack compassion, empathy and sympathy for you. I have always spoken about the incidents I have faced in life hence I talk on facts and not imaginations. Well what are those incidents I’ll talk in another blog as I already said that I wouldn’t name shame anyone.

So, these days I am not in correct mindset. My mind is tired because it is working round the clock then my body should have. Overthinking is still okay but my mind has a monster sitting in my mind which constantly sends red flag to me the moment I fell asleep which rarely happens that wake up you have to kill yourself and as soon as I wake up there is a peculiar pain in my chest and my mind is not allowing anything positive to come in, it just tells me this world is not for you. You don’t belong here, common let’s get up and leave forever. If I do not leave my bed I gets even more trapped in captivity of my monsterous mind.

This is not the story of only one me but thousands of those suffering from mental health issue, and trust me it gives you a feeling that you are completely alone though you might be having 1000 of friends. Well it is really easy to judge such people and motivate them but more than that you have to be with them, you don’t have to make them believe anything just stay with them constantly irrespective of their non sensical approach to life. I am sure 99.9 percent people do exact opposite of this. I am talking from my own experience. Many of my closed ones and friends even family have left me because I am really difficult to live with. You know this makes a person even more sick.

Trust me it is only you and your love can cure a person with loads of sadness inside, not some professional, that comes at later stage, you have given up at first only on your loved one. So here I leave you with the thought, yes the person is having mental health issue, yes the person is difficult, yes the person is not lisitening but is it okay to maintain distance with them, till yesterday when they were fun loving, entertaining and fun to be around you all loved her company, today when you find her bit abnormal, you no longer want to be around. Think about it can happen to anyone, will you like such behaviour if they were you.

All said and done I am with them who think they are lonely. If you want you can drop a comment, I won’t leave your hand❤️

Stay happy, stay healthy and keep going

Lots of love



Let’s begin with what is Trust. It is a belief that someone is good, honest and sincere. Why I chose to write on this topic is because I have been a victim of trust since long. I trust people easily and that has been my biggest problem. I am not a shrewd, street smart person who can use opportunity to her benefit. No offence to anyone but may be the world functions this way and I am a misfit in here. And specially after SSR death case I have lost respect for everyone. Infact I use to be Arnab’s fan but recently with the chain of events I saw that everyone is settling their scores no one is genuine, no one is wanting to give justice to Sushant they are just working to satisfy their political vendetta. So I was least bothered when he was arrested all I cared was that a genuine soul is no more between us. This is a brutal world we are living in.

So coming back to trust, when someone mails me “Tripti I will always be at your side” or they message me “You are my soul sister, I Love you” I start trusting these people that I have genuine friends but the fact is these words are just words which ideally people don’t intend to follow in their actions. I have started writing blogs since last 1 year when I was in USA and was diagnosed with depression and so I started writing those things that bother me instead of telling that person as a part of my therapy. It somehow relieves me because I am a kind of person who cannot fight.

You know I can’t be fake and am not fake at all. These blogs are my way of venting out my frustration and depression.

Last but not the least remember this in life “Breaking someone’s trust is like crumpling up a perfect piece of paper, you can smooth it over but it’s never gonna be same again.

Love and Light.